Going Beyond Limits:

Q: What does a spinal cord injury survivor, a stroke survivor and a caregiver overwhelm survivor have in common?
A: An indomitable spirit to triumph over adversity and go beyond limits. As a high-powered leadership coaching team, focused on the fine art of strategic business development, they have a passion for helping their clients achieve top-of-mind status as market leaders in the health and wellness industry. We coach companies, communities and individuals to prepare for and navigate sudden disruption with unstoppable optimism.

The Leadership Principles of C.A.R.E.™
Collaboration, Adaptability, Resilience and Equanimity.

Navigating our rapidly changing business landscape where unprecedented, tectonic shifts are becoming the new norm requires both new strategies and a new leadership mindset to gain and sustain market leadership. We call this leadership mindset C.A.R.E.™ - Collaboration, Adaptability, Resilience and Equanimity. As experts in strategic business development and leadership coaching we believe in leading by example based on direct personal experience.

To demonstrate these groundbreaking leadership principles as thought leaders we have two business ventures currently under development plus a community outreach initiative called HyperLocal C.A.R.E.™ beginning in our Santa Barbara neighborhood of Carpinteria, California. We conduct our HyperLocal C.A.R.E community leadership programs through the Enlightened Caregiving Foundation, our 501(c)(3).

C.A.R.E. Business Ventures

Beyond Limits: A non-scripted “docu-series” about individuals with disabilities who have accomplished extraordinary things by applying the principles of C.A.R.E.™ and who mentor people with the same or similar challenges on an adventure of a lifetime.


Prepare to Care, Now!™
Enlightened Leadership Training for Caregiver Self-Coaching & Caregiver Coaches

Over half of the 50 million unpaid caregivers in USA are overwhelmed. To radically reduce the high cost of caregiver overwhelm as a health crisis and its effects on businesses (low productivity and absenteeism), and on taxpayers, an “army” of family caregiver coaches need to be trained to apply the leadership principles of C.A.R.E. . We intend to partner with other organizations to scale this video training program worldwide, leveraging advanced AI translation technology to ensure accessibility for a diverse global audience.


HyperLocal C.A.R.E.™ Community Leadership Programs: A HyperLocal C.A.R.E.™ Community Leadership Program is our name for a grassroots project that fills an underserved need in your immediate community. It is spearheaded by ordinary people who feel a passion to achieve a positive outcome that benefits many.

To test this model we identified a potential health crisis in our Santa Barbara neighborhood of Carpinteria, California, where we have a significant Hispanic population (43%). According to the American Heart Association: The biggest rise in strokes over the next decade will be among Hispanic men, who are expected to see a 29% increase in stroke rates.

Raising awareness to ACTUAR RÁPIDO! not only can help reduce incidents of severe strokes but also reduce the inevitable repercussions of caregiver overwhelm: the financial impact on families, its effects on businesses and on tax payers. If we all work together as a community, we can make a significant difference. 

Learn more about how we are rallying the support of our hyperlocal community to raise awareness about stroke symptoms and the imperative to ACT FAST! - ACTUAR RÁPIDO! Call 911!


There’s a moment no family ever wants to face.

For Sam W. Morris, it struck his parents at 3am on November 10, 1999, when he awoke them to share the harrowing news that he was paralyzed from the waist down at the age of twenty-four. On Black Friday 2011, Sean Entin’s family was shaken by the news that he had suffered a stroke, resulting in partial paralysis and a medically induced coma. Upon awakening, Sean’s cognitive abilities had regressed to that of a child, transforming him from a serial entrepreneur to someone who was now dependent. Easter Sunday of 2022 brought a similar crisis to Ron Seigel, when he found his beloved wife, Alexandra, collapsed from a stroke in their bathroom. Having been married and business partners for over fifty years, this was a devastating blow.

These moments, unexpected and life-altering, highlight the harsh reality many face following a neurological injury. Suddenly, family members find themselves transitioning into the role of unpaid caregivers. Such situations are alarmingly common. Globally, one in four people will experience a stroke or another neurological injury. In the U.S. alone, there are over 53 million unpaid family caregivers at any given time, many of whom are looking after someone who has suffered a neurological injury. This reality has driven Ron Seigel, Sean Entin, and Sam W. Morris to become partners in Napa Consultants, Int’l.


To Radically Reduce the High Cost of
Caregiver Overwhelm
As a Health Crisis
And Its Effects On Businesses
(Low Productivity & Absenteeism)
And TAxpayers

The Problem:

A 2023 AARP survey of U.S. caregivers found that over 50% said they experienced an increased level of stress, worry, concern about the future, and anxiety.

The Solution:

The Solution: C.A.R.E.™
ollaboration, Adaptability, Resilience and Equanimity

The key to success in radically reducing the high cost of caregiver overwhelm lies in cultivating a mindset of sovereign leadership as a caregiver. That requires taking full responsibility to care for your own body and minds as a prerequisite for having maximum impact as a leader. Anyone, regardless of their physical or social status, can implement these core leadership principles of C.A.R.E: Collaboration, Adaptability, Resilience and Equanimity.

“In the same way many people become “overnight caregivers”, colossal changes can sweep across the globe as swiftly as the breaking dawn. Through practicing the embodiment of C.A.R.E.™ on a daily basis, any individual can develop the mindset required to move through even the most seemingly impossible challenges with grace."
-Sam W. Morris, Leadership Coach-Napa Consultants, Int’l.

Ron Seigel, Managing Partner


Ron Seigel is the managing partner of Napa Consultants, International. He is a serial entrepreneur, an inventor of a digital advertising methodology in travel commerce and an author. In the 1970's he and his wife, Alexandra taught over 100 weekend courses on building high-trust personal and business relationships that were accredited as continuing education in psychology at UC Berkeley and the University of San Francisco. They provided thousands of hours of personal and professional coaching for private clients and developed a coaching training program, based on their proprietary methodology, for a major international personal development firm. 

In the 80's and 90's the Seigels owned a commercial real estate firm in Beverly Hills, specializing in sales and leasing for the high-end retail and entertainment industry sectors.  

They then emerged in the new millennium as the leading brand strategists in the luxury real estate industry working internationally with developers, professionals, and independent firms who were bent on becoming market leaders. 

Ron & Alexandra Seigel

When Alexandra had a stroke in 2022, Ron completely re-focused Napa Consultants, International in the field of health and wellness, authored the book, Enlightened Caregiving For Men Who Care, and partnered with Sam W. Morris and Sean Entin.

Alexandra is still quite active in the company as an advisor. We call her “The Oracle”.


In his Leadership TectonX coaching program Sam W. Morris mentors leaders to navigate humankind's most disruptive tectonic shift in society and enterprise that is now occurring at warp speed by orchestrating maximum Collaboration 
while focusing on 
Adaptability, Resilience and Equanimity (C.A.R.E.™ ).

In 1999, at the age of 23, he led a 3,800 mile cycling trek across the United States. Less than three months after the expedition was complete, he was involved in a car wreck that left him paralyzed from the waist down. His life as an outdoor expedition leader was over, but a new life had just begun.

As an inspirational speaker Sam’s goal is singular: to leave each person in the room with an expanded sense of their personal potential, to help them to see that no matter what the circumstances of life throw at them, they have the strength within them to transcend those circumstances and live a life of presence, power and purpose.

SEAN ENTIN, a.k.a, The Stroke Hacker


Prior to Sean Entin’s massive stroke in 2011, Sean Entin, a.k.a, the Stroke Hacker, took two private companies public including one with his partner NBA superstar, Shaquille O'Neal. He is truly a marketing genius. .

As a coach for caregivers and a mentor for stroke survivors Sean also developed an online course, "Stroke Hacker Masterclass". The course features all his "workarounds" and his proprietary Stroke Recovery System based on ten years of self-funded research and development, plus his personal recovery experience.


My whole life I have been fascinated by the power of movies. They fill us with emotion, spark our imagination, and enrich our lives. I decided I wanted to share that feeling of wonder and excitement with others, so I picked up a camera and have never looked back. As a Camera Operator, I have the honor to be the first person to "see" the movie and guide the audience on their journey. Being able to collaborate with other talented people and bring a shared vision to life is incredibly satisfying.

WILLPOWER CINEMA is about having the physical and mental strength to overcome the challenges that we face as filmmakers. Through our collective power we can create amazing motion pictures for the enjoyment of audiences everywhere. Where there's a Will, there's a way!

Member of The International Cinematographers Guild IATSE Local 600 / Member of The Society of Camera Operators.
Watch Will’s Trailer for Arnold-Airing on Netflix

Project Advisors

John Ullmen, PhD

John Ullmen, PhD

John Ullmen, PhD is an internationally acclaimed executive coach with over 20 years of experience coaching hundreds of leaders around the world at the senior leadership and CEO level.   His clients span a wide range of Fortune 500 firms and industry leaders in technology, media, entertainment, consumer products, healthcare, biotech, finance, banking, real estate, professional services, construction, defense and government agencies.   He is a longtime faculty member at the UCLA Anderson School of Management where he teaches across the MBA, FEMBA, Executive MBA and Executive Education programs.    John has books in print around the world in over a dozen languages based on his research and practice. Real Influence: Persuade without Pushing and Gain without Giving In was selected as one of the “Top 30 Books in Business” of the year.    His premium video courses on LinkedIn Learning have millions of paid views, have hit #1 out of many thousands of other programs, and been selected for featured lists. Video courses include: Developing Executive Presence; Influencing Others; Executive Leadership; Communication Foundations; Mindfulness; Executive Coaching, Working with an Executive Coach, Connecting with Executives and Creating Personal Connections.  Dr. Ullmen began his career as a U.S. Air Force Officer and lead systems engineer in a Joint Chiefs of Staff top-secret intelligence program.   He holds a B.S. from the U.S. Air Force Academy, a Master of Public Policy from Harvard University, and a PhD in Organizational Behavior from UCLA. He lives in Woodland Hills, CA. Visit John Ullmen’s Website.

Mark Vega, Esq.

Mark is celebrated for his open-minded and innovative approach to problem-solving. He transcends the role of a traditional legal advisor, functioning as a catalyst for idea development. This involves nurturing ideas from their early stages into structured, market-ready entities. His keen insight into various business landscapes, especially in the entertainment sector, and his ability to foresee and craft bold strategies are especially commended. Mark's role is not just about legal advice; it's about fostering innovation and growth.

Mark has worked as a strategic deal maker with 30 years of experience as a team builder, leader and advocate in the media, entertainment and marketing industries. He cut his teeth in the US Army as a field reporter and television anchor of the American Forces Korea Network and then as a civilian late-night talk radio host in markets across the country.  Appreciating the power and protections of the constitution, Mark transitioned into a First Amendment advocate and intellectual property lawyer.

After surviving two major strokes in 2015 and 2016, Mark took up long distance running and completed a number of marathons including NYC and Boston's "Tough Ruck" among others)  He cares for giant pythons and has a soft spot for Harley Davidson. Visit Mark’s Website>>

John Lee

John owns the Legends Invitational Golf Tournament at Pebble Beach that benefits the Navy SEAL community. He serves on the board of the National UDT Navy SEAL Museum and Taste of the NFL. As the co-founder of Fine Wine Society, John has hosted many of the greatest wine events in the world including Century Tasting, Barrel Tasting at Romanée Conti, Dom Pérignon / Ferran Adrià dinner at Ocean Reef and the annual White Truffle dinner reserving the entire French Laundry.

As a partner in Fine Champagne Magazine, John was instrumental in creating the Fine Champagne Magazine – Residence Club Edition as a marketing strategy for this $100M+ condominium development.  He developed, with Dom Pérignon, their first Dom Pérignon Golf Tournament to be played at Card Sound Golf Club at Ocean Reef for the benefit of the Ocean Reef Community Foundation. 

John is a member Ocean Reef Yacht Club and New York Athletic Club (both have reciprocal relationships with the finest yacht clubs in the world) and also Napa Valley Reserve. He served on the board of the Hole In the Wall Gang, Legatus, Friars Club, the New York Athletic Club, and the Ocean Reef Community Foundation.

Video Image by Neide José Paixão