As a luxury real estate marketing professional in any aspect of the real estate field, it would be wise to take time to discover your “it factor.” On several occasions we have asked sellers why they chose one agent over another with excellent track records, presentations, etc. Their response falls into the intangible world of charisma: Agent X was something else, someone special, someone who resonated with us, someone we could trust, and made us say: "you have the listing!"

Charisma is a point of attraction. It is someone who can turn heads when entering a room, not because they are looking for attention.  It is because they exude a genuine confidence of being comfortable in their own skin. Embracing your "it factor" will make you stand out in any situation.

The “it factor” refers to an indefinable quality a person has. Charismatic people exude confidence, that attracts the perfect match. Charisma is defined as “personal magnetism, the ability to inspire enthusiasm, interest, or affection.”We are all born with an "it factor."  

Whether or not, we are taught to nurture our uniqueness or conform to the norm; is what makes the difference between it being visible or invisible.  Many of us were raised in the league of conforming to be attractive to all, whether or not it suits us. 

Keep in mind that not everyone will be attracted to your brand of charisma. Those who are a match to you (the right people to work with or be with) will be. Embracing your “it factor” will create compelling attractiveness, (as the label in the photo states)). This will translate into “You Have the Listing!”