On our travels through Santa Barbara, we often see this ad on the back of our buses, for this local real estate firm. This is what we refer to as "brand personality."  By expressing on their ad, that their real estate agents are attorney trained,  they have positioned themselves as having competence

competence personalityis defined as:
Reliable:hardworking, secure efficient trustworthy, careful, intelligent and successful.
Intelligenttechnical, corporate, serious.
Successfulleader, confident, influential.

In the corporate world, IBM as an example of a brand with a competence personality. Like IBM,(aka Big Blue), this brand uses Blue as its  primary brand color.  The expression "true blue" means dependable, reliable, stable, and the shade of blue is generally associated with these characteristics.

Keep in mind, that this real estate company’s unique promise of value is that they are owned by a practicing real estate attorney.  The brand personality is a subset of the unique promise of value, and is part of the overall brand identity, as is the color choice.

This brand will attract those who can identify with its personality, because it is a reflection of how they see themselves.  Remember, people like to do business with people like themselves.

Do you know your brand personality?