Although many individuals in every profession including real estate believe that a brand is colorful logo that has their name, picture, or company name it, a brand is so much more than that. If you want to build a strong brand,  you have to claim a place in the marketplace that consumers/clients are attracted to.  

In other words,  where do you fit in the mind of someone looking to employ your services in real estate? If you don't tell your potential client how you want to be seen (with a brand and a differentiating principle), you are just another real estate agent in the pond.

Pictured above is an example of brand positioning.  Many of us associate peanut butter,  with childhood.  Some of us still love peanut butter or other nut butters.  By positioning their nut butters for adults only, this Oregon based firm has come up with some  interesting combinattions that appeal to the adult palate, as well as favorites of old (Classic Salted Peanut Butter and Hazelnut Chocolate Spread/Nutella).

Just for fun, I compared the nutrition facts label on Nutella versus Eliot's version. Eliot has 4 carbs per one tablespoon serving vs Nutella's 11 and 1/2 carbs for one tablespoon. Since we are mindful of carbs we ingest, those numbers alone would have me buying Eliot's adult Hazelnut Chocolate Spread.  

Our mantra for our clients is "stand out or bow out!" If you don't find or claim your position in the marketplace, you will be just another agent sitting on the shelf hoping someone will pick you.